Monday, June 15, 2009

Learning E-Commerce? Learn from the best

Back then, computers run on an internet speed of 56K (kilobits per second). We required 20-30 minutes to complete downloading one song and we wouldn't complain. Here we are in Malaysia knowing so little about the vast internet and people on the other side of the world has already started building their own business that had earned them millions and even billions today.

No doubt I am referring to is perhaps known as one of the largest E-Commerce sites in the world. I am sure the name of this website is familiar to everyone. Jeffrey Preston Bezos (even his name shakes me a little), the founder, President, CEO of has brought the business world to new heights. was growing so fast that even analysts and Jeff himself could not imagine. The founder of was born on 12 January 1964. He found at the age of 30 in year 1994. started off as a mere shop selling books in a two-bedroom house selling just books. Jeff set up his "shop", "work station", or whatever you wish to call it with minimal amount of investments. They started penetrating different markets and started selling more than just books. Amazon started selling music CDs, videos, toys, electronics, and more.

You've seen his accomplishment, it would be a joke if anyone wouldn't want to be Jeffrey Bezos. However, not many has managed his achievement. Below are the few factors that contributed to his success.

Think Ahead
The best explanation that suits this would be the reason is called Amazon. Why didn't they call themselves as or or He named the site as simply because it resembles a wide area and did not restrict himself to just books or reading materials.

Use Emerging Technologies
Technology has been something that has been growing faster and faster every second. One may use it as an advantage towards them but at the same time it can backfire and cause a serious fall in your own business. Jeff saw that internet users was growing exponentially and used it to his advantage. In fact, thanks to the internet, Jeff was able to set up his very own business with minimal cost. He didnt need a large shop or physical sales persons. This had definitely saved him a lot of money in his setting up.

People who refuses to change with the environment are most certainly to fail in the current era. The current era is fast moving and is rapidly changing. In order to succeed, one needs to keep up. In the case of Amazon, they widen their range of products as already mentioned earlier to keep up with the needs of customers. They quickly changed into "Earth's Biggest Bookstore" to "Earth's Biggest Anything Store". Amazon has a constantly evolving product line and this had caused their competitors to be having problems catching up.

Customer Orientation
"To become the world's most customer-centric company. The place where people come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online." This was the vission of Amazon. They have a great emphasis on the needs of customers and they worked relentlessly to provide their customers with a great experience. Amazon has opened their ears and listened very closely to their customers.


Anonymous June 19, 2009 at 8:28 AM  

yeap, this will be nice when u try to search a gift for your girlfriend. know your budget, search around the same kind of stuff which is of her taste. and choose the best deal u can have and the design u like the best too

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